
The ten acre Telopea Gardens in Emerald will be open to the public as part of the PAVE Festival in Emerald on the weekend of 13 and 14 April 2019.

Although not a manicured garden, this unique property provides visitors with spectacular vistas of the autumn colour of deciduous trees and shrubs dispersed among the many and various forms, textures and tones of the evergreens.

Meandering through the numerous pathways of the lower areas will showcase a diverse range of exotic and native shrubs, specimen trees, perennials. succulents and bulbs. Interesting, unusual, rare and unique specimens will be revealed around every corner. A recent addition to the garden is the two acre succulent and cacti area planted on a hot dry North facing hillside.

A huge array of plants, including many rare varieties will be offered for sale on both days. Live Music from local artists will be performed both days.

Picnic sites and tea and coffee are available.


Wear comfortable clothes and walking shoes.


Address 80 Beaconsfield-Emerald Road, Emerald, VIC 3782

Dates and times 13 and 14 April 2019 . 10am to 4pm


Ferny Hill Retreat to Talopea Gardens: 7 minutes 4.5km  


Emerald Lake Park

Talopea Gardens