
Emerald’s PAVE Festival runs for a full week each year. The largest of PAVE’s many events is the Emerald Funfest, bringing the streets alive with music, arts and entertainment.

The PAVE theme for 2019 is Resonate.

The word resonate means to reverberate or echo, like sounds do. If something resonates with you it keeps coming back to you, usually because it has a personal meaning or importance. 

PAVE’s organiser’s encourage you to enjoy the festival with the theme, ‘Resonate’ in mind:

  • get to know people
  • look for opportunities to make someone’s life better
  • think deeply about the messages portrayed by artists and performers
  • look for beauty around you
  • listen to the resonance in sounds
  • hear the words and watch the actions.


7 – 14 April, 2019

Organiser contacts

Address: Emerald Community House  356-358 Belgrave-Gembrook Rd, Emerald 3782 Vic

Email: info@pave.org.au

Phone: (03) 5968 3881 (from 10am to 2pm)

Website:  PAVE Festival 2019