
Emerald Craft & Produce Market is the largest in the Dandenong Ranges. You’ll find a huge range of goods: fresh and organic fruit and vegetables, plants and seedlings, olive oils, jams, nuts and tea.

There are artisan products too – candles, soaps, handmade cards, clothing and toys. Not only that, there are stalls that sell items produced or sourced locally, like wines and honey, as well as vintage clothing and jewellery.

There is plenty of yummy food ready to eat as well, and you can finish your meal off with a barista coffee.



The Emerald Market is trying to remain plastic bag free, so please bring you own recyclable bags.

Most stalls deal in cash only. 

Some of the market proceeds go to the Breast Cancer Network and the PAVE Festival. Bonus! A feel-good factor for supporting the local community.



Address: Corner of Kilvington Drive and Main Street, Emerald Vic

When: Third Sunday of the month – 9am to 3pm

Phone: 03 8627 4700 

Website: Emerald Craft & Produce Market



Emerald Craft & Produce Market


Ferny Hill Retreat to Emerald Craft and Produce Market: 4 minutes 2.3km